Elizabeth Larose Cadieux. Author.
Nana Mensah. Author, maintainer.
Carla Castignani. Author.
Jonas Demeulemeester. Author.
Peter Van Loo. Author, funder.
Larose Cadieux E, Mensah N, Castignani C, Demeulemeester J, Van Loo P (2024). CAMDAC: Copy-number Aware Methylation Deconvolution and Analysis of Cancers. R package version 0.1.2.
@Manual{, title = {CAMDAC: Copy-number Aware Methylation Deconvolution and Analysis of Cancers}, author = {Elizabeth {Larose Cadieux} and Nana Mensah and Carla Castignani and Jonas Demeulemeester and Peter {Van Loo}}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 0.1.2}, }